
At Zinggati, we offer comprehensive global shipping services to ensure that your goods are sourced and delivered to any destination around the world. Our parcel forwarding services have a weight limit of 30kg, and we utilize ishopworldwide for shipments to Zambia. Additionally, we provide air cargo services for high-value goods and freight at a rate of £5 per kg with a minimum of 50 kgs, tracked to Zambia. Please note that there is a handling fee of £100 and a packing fee for the safe and secure transport of your goods. We also offer specialized shipping services for items containing lithium batteries at an additional fee. We have a wide network of partners in Europe, Asia, Africa, and the USA. If you have cargo, such as a container, in any of these continents, we can assist in delivering your goods safely. For any further queries, please don't hesitate to Contact Us

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